Dec 07 2020 64 mins
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COVID-19 has changed our lives dramatically in the last seven months. From constant masking to a jump in telemedicine to quarantining, everyone has seen major disruptions to their daily routines. But what does COVID-19 mean specifically for people with a spinal cord injury? In this forum, Aaron Bunnell M.D., U.W. assistant professor of Rehabilitation Medicine and Jeanne Hoffman PhD, professor in the department of Rehabilitation Medicine and director of the Northwest Regional SCI System, discuss what we know and do not know about COVID-19 and spinal cord injury. They discuss Dr. Bunnell’s work in U.W. Medicine’s post COVID telehealth clinic as well as the potential issues for people with SCI and a diagnosis of COVID-19, the pros and cons of in-person routine care, and strategies for minimizing exposure from caregivers.
COVID-19 has changed our lives dramatically in the last seven months. From constant masking to a jump in telemedicine to quarantining, everyone has seen major disruptions to their daily routines. But what does COVID-19 mean specifically for people with a spinal cord injury? In this forum, Aaron Bunnell M.D., U.W. assistant professor of Rehabilitation Medicine and Jeanne Hoffman PhD, professor in the department of Rehabilitation Medicine and director of the Northwest Regional SCI System, discuss what we know and do not know about COVID-19 and spinal cord injury. They discuss Dr. Bunnell’s work in U.W. Medicine’s post COVID telehealth clinic as well as the potential issues for people with SCI and a diagnosis of COVID-19, the pros and cons of in-person routine care, and strategies for minimizing exposure from caregivers.