The definition of an Effective Manager is to achieve results while retaining your team members.
All Manager Tools actionable guidance is based on principles for effectiveness. The most important First Principle we know is the manager's responsibility to achieve the organization's results while retaining his team members. This is ultimately how all managers are measured.
This cast introduces a periodic series of First Principles on those underlying concepts and ideas that inform our recommendations.
In celebration of our 10 Year Anniversary, the Shownotes to this week's cast are free for all. Enjoy!
All Manager Tools actionable guidance is based on principles for effectiveness. The most important First Principle we know is the manager's responsibility to achieve the organization's results while retaining his team members. This is ultimately how all managers are measured.
This cast introduces a periodic series of First Principles on those underlying concepts and ideas that inform our recommendations.
In celebration of our 10 Year Anniversary, the Shownotes to this week's cast are free for all. Enjoy!