Dec 03 2024 40 mins 6
When Siskoid and Bass said they would cover every issue of Zero Hour, every tie-in, every Zero issue, they meant it! And so they just HAD to relight the feed on Zero Hour Strikes to cover the recently published 30th Anniversary Special, as well as the short Zero Hour story included in DC's I Know What You Did Last Crisis! It's a one-off to celebrate 30 years since they ruined Hal Jordan and killed the JSA! Think of this episode as a time anomaly!
Listen to the Zero Hour Strikes! Episode 34 below!
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Relevant images and further credits at: Zero Hour Strikes ep.34 Supplemental
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Listen to the Zero Hour Strikes! Episode 34 below!
Or subscribe to The Zero Hour Strikes! Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Relevant images and further credits at: Zero Hour Strikes ep.34 Supplemental
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