JSApril - Celebrating 85 years of the JSA

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Jan 17 2025 2 mins   15
JSApril - Celebrating 85 years of the world’s first and greatest superhero team!

Back in 1940, eight sensational heroes united to create the world's very first superhero team - the Justice Society of America! Now, 85 years later, we’re gathering podcasters and bloggers from around the globe for a month-long celebration in an event we’re calling... JSApril!

Throughout April 2025, join dozens of podcasters and bloggers as they each share their own unique tributes to the original and greatest superhero team! Every participant in JSApril is doing their own thing, so whether you choose to enjoy just one entry or experience them all, there's something special for everyone! Get ready for an all-star month of beloved characters, fascinating insights, and incredible stories!

Follow the action on social media with the hashtag #JSApril

Below is a complete list of participating podcasters, bloggers, and what they’re each covering:

*51 Blog: Justice Society of America #10 (2007) - https://asterisk51.blogspot.com/
Back to the Bins Podcast: DC Special #29 (1977) - The Untold Origin of the Justice Society - https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/category/back-to-the-bins/
The Bat-Pod: Justice League of America #171-172 (1979) - https://www.thebatpod.com/
Between the Pages Blog: JSA Hand Drawn Cookies - https://www.betweenthepagesblog.com/
Blackrock's Toybox: Last Days of the Justice Society Special (1986): https://blackrockstoybox.blogspot.com/
Campus Comics Cast: JSA #68-72 (2005) - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/campus-comics-cast/id1326952368
Coffee & Comics Podcast: Infinity Inc Annual #1 (1985), JSA #38 (2002), & Stargirl TV episode "Shining Knight" (S1 E11) - https://coffeeandcomicspodcast.blogspot.com/
Dave's Comic Heroes Blog: JSA beginnings! Some of the best starts of the Justice Society of America - https://davescomicheroes.blogspot.com/
David Gallaher's blog: Comparative Look at Golden Age JSA and Marvel's Invaders - https://davidmgallaher.medium.com/
DC Multiverse Blog: JSA technology from the Golden Age through the Bronze Age - https://earth-one-earth-two.blogspot.com/
DC Secret Files Podcast: Golden Age Secret Files and Origins (2001) - URL coming soon!
DC Special Cast: Wonder Woman Spectacular (1978) - https://fireandwaterpodcast.com/show/dcspecialcast/
Diana Prince as the New Wonder Woman Podcast: Golden Age JSA adventures - https://new-wonder-woman.blogspot.com/
The Earth-2 Podcast: Not the JSA - Four-part weekly series showcasing characters who share names or traits with JSA members - https://theearth2podcast.podbean.com/
Fanholes Podcast: JLA/JSA: Virtue and Vice (2002) - https://fanholespodcast.blogspot.com/
Fantastic Pour Podcast: JSA: The Liberty File (2000) - https://fireandwaterpodcast.com/show/the-fantastic-pour/
FW Team-Up Podcast: Brave & the Bold #61 (1965) - Starman & Black Canary - https://fireandwaterpodcast.com/show/fwteamup/
The Huntress Podcast: Justice Society of America #20 & Annual #1 (2008) - https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/
It All Comes Back to Superman Podcast: Thy Kingdom Come (2007-2009) - https://www.fortressofbaileytude.com/
JLA: Stories & Friends Podcast: Alan Scott: Green Lantern (2024) - URL coming soon!
Jon Reads Comics Podcast - Justice Society Origins: All-Star Comics #4 (1940) - http://www.jonreadscomics.com/
Justice League Legacies: Justice League of America #29-30 (1963), plus The Flash #123 (1961) - https://justiceleaguelegacies.com/
Justice Society Presents Podcast - JSA in the 90s: In Post-Crisis, How the JSA inspired the formation of the JLA - https://fireandwaterpodcast.com/show/jsapresents/
Justice Society Presents Podcast - JSA in the 90s: Justice Society of America #6 (1993) - https://fireandwaterpodcast.com/show/jsapresents/
Justice Society Presents Podcast: Mr. & Mrs. Superman (1979-1982) - https://fireandwaterpodcast.com/show/jsapresents/
Longbox Crusade Podcast: JSA #1 (2024) - http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Longbox Review Blog: All-Star Comics #36 (1947) - https://longboxreview.com/
Lords of Order: The Dr Fate Podcast: More Fun Comics #55 (1940) - https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/lords-of-order-the-dr-fate-podcast/id623624412
Mike's Geek World Podcast: Showcase 97-99 (1978) - https://www.youtube.com/c/mikesgeekworld
The Monitor Tapes: A Crisis on Infinite Earths Podcast: JSA during The Crisis - https://www.themonitortapes.com/
The Outcasters Podcast: Outsiders Special #1 & Infinity Inc Special #1 (1987) - https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/
Pop Culture Affidavit Podcast: JSA vs Extant - https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-series/pop-culture-affidavit/
Prairie Justice: The Greg Sanders Vigilante Podcast: All-Star Comics #11 (1942) - https://prairiejustice.podbean.com/
The Quarter-Bin Podcast: JSA #59 (May 2004) - https://relativelygeekypodcast.blogspot.com/
Source Material Comics Podcast: All-Star Squadron #19-20 (1983) - https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-source-material-comics-podcast--5428409
Supergirl Comic Box Commentary Blog: All-Star Comics #58 (1976) - https://comicboxcommentary.blogspot.com/
The Telltale Mind Blog: Justice Society of America #1-8 (1991) - https://thetelltalemind.com/
That Giffen Show Podcast: All-Star Comics #60-63 (1976) - https://asedano.podbean.com/
Too Dangerous for a Girl: DC 2000 (2000) - https://dangermart.blog/
A World on Fire; An All-Star Squadron Podcast!: Wanted, the World's Most Dangerous Villains #6 (1973) - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-world-on-fire-an-all-star-squadron-podcast/id1544689946
Worst Collection Ever Podcast: JSA #56-58 (2004), the Black Reign storyline - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/worst-collection-ever/id1031349154

JSApril - Celebrating 85 years of the world’s first and greatest superhero team!