Mar 01 2025 29 mins 6
The Sunrise of Hur is a rare Dakhur artifact, missing after the Dakhur bride wearing it was killed as she was joining with Alibi Jones’s Dakhur friend, Kit. Alibi attended with Katie Ramsey, target of a kidnapping at the ceremony. Thugs working for crime lord Rene Laveillur killed several Dakhur in the process, including Kit’s bride, Trish. Alibi Jones has now been tasked by his Aunt Anita with trying to find the missing artifact, as we get into Chapter Three of Alibi Jones and The Sunrise of Hur. Host, author, and narrator Mike Luoma brings you free, independent audio science fiction on each episode. The Adventures of Alibi Jones Chronological Omnibus continues on Glow-in-the-Dark Radio!
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Music by Kevin MacLeod ( Show theme - "Hitman". Alibi Jones theme - "Mesmerizing Galaxy" Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License