Jun 29 2023 51 mins 28
Brad Raffensperger has spoken with federal prosecutors investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has a few crucial rulings left on its docket.
The panel:
Anthony Michael Kreis, @AnthonyMKreis, professor of law Georgia State University
Fred Smith, @fredosmithjr, professor of constitutional law Emory University
Jim Galloway, former political columnist Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Tanya Washington, @AskProfW, professor of law Georgia State University
0:00 - Introduction
6:00 - Brad Raffensperger spoke to federal prosecutors investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election.
14:00 - The Supreme Court rejected independent legislature theory.
28:00 - The court will also rule on two major college admissions cases addressing affirmative action.
9:41 - It's also set to rule on a case that will test LGTBQ+ rights vs. free speech on public accommodations.
48:00 - Student loan debt rulings could come down soon.
Friday on Political Rewind: Bill Nigut signs off for the final episode of Political Rewind.
The panel:
Anthony Michael Kreis, @AnthonyMKreis, professor of law Georgia State University
Fred Smith, @fredosmithjr, professor of constitutional law Emory University
Jim Galloway, former political columnist Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Tanya Washington, @AskProfW, professor of law Georgia State University
0:00 - Introduction
6:00 - Brad Raffensperger spoke to federal prosecutors investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election.
14:00 - The Supreme Court rejected independent legislature theory.
28:00 - The court will also rule on two major college admissions cases addressing affirmative action.
9:41 - It's also set to rule on a case that will test LGTBQ+ rights vs. free speech on public accommodations.
48:00 - Student loan debt rulings could come down soon.
Friday on Political Rewind: Bill Nigut signs off for the final episode of Political Rewind.