GK035 | Mmmmhh, mein Machtmissbauch

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0% played 00:00 00:00
Mar 03 2022 57 mins  
Twig Error: Calling "ShowEpisodeSlug" property on a "WP_Post" object is not allowed. (in template "VorSN" line 67)

Kapitel 1 | Hängen!

Kapitel 2 | Fett abgesahnt

Blavatskyy, P. (2021). Obesity of politicians and corruption in post‐Soviet countries. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 29(2):343-356. DOI: 10.1111/ecot.12259.

Blavatskyy, P. (2021). Obesity of politicians and corruption in Ukraine in 2000–2020–Reply. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 29(2):361-365. DOI: 10.1111/ecot.12272.

Kapitel 3 | Nobelpreis 2021

Kapitel 4 | Auf!


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