Feb 17 2025 103 mins 23
Interview starts at 32:50
Paul Sheldon, creator of Dreamosophy joins us to chat about divine states of awareness, dream incubation, oieneromancy, the imaginal realm on the natch, lucidity, the dreamscape, and all major religions.
We also talk about talking to the Beings, chronic nightmares, avoiding or transmuting demonic attacks, recording your dreams, the limits of lucidity, gnostic priests, his program of 18 dreams, spiritual confluence, the underworld realm – hades, sheol, amenta, etc, soul rescue, secret societies and much more.
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Episode ART – Napolean Duheme’s site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/
MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ – Something Jah
Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com – Space Cadet