Join immersive journalist Rak Razam and Samaya Storm (aka. Samantha Sweetwater), a coach, guide and medicine woman as they discuss the planetary zeitgeist as we move into 2019 and the collective shadow coming to the surface. Is our current global culture one strand in the Gaian biome, shot with inflammation and poor signaling response? Do we need a planetary probiotic to reboot us from the duality of perpetrator/victim? Is it time to risk it all and play the God game with genetics, the environment and hacking the human potential? Is that part of our role as Apex Predators on planet earth? Or is there an organismic response moving through us as a species that is gestated by the planetary crisis? Will climate catastrophe draw us together into a collective generosity of spirit, a Yolk of Union? Can we remember our original instructions to tend to nature and be in the Wego, not the Ego? Listen to this far-reaching and provocative discussion to find out! Learn more about Samaya at: . Samaya Storm (aka. Samantha Sweetwater) is a globally loved facilitator of embodied awakening who has initiated people into life-centric love & leadership for over 30 year. She is known for her past work as the founder of Dancing Freedom - a transformational movement practice that pioneered the global conscious dance industry and trained hundreds of facilitators, and as the co-Founder of Peacebody Japan - an integral school for embodied awakening, community development and leadership in Japan. As the current co-founder of Soulucent Transformative Technologies, she works with individuals and communities as a coach, ceremonial guide, experience architect and speaker. She also consults with leaders in in tech, media, governance and blockchain to integrate life-centric, embodied principles into meta-design architectures. Her life is dedicated to the evolution of humanness, happiness and consciousness ultimately measured by the emergence of Civilization 2.0 - an evolutionary pattern for human life that co-creates a truly awesome world for all beings on our planet and beyond.
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And please support this podcast and the emergence of new paradigm media by contributing to: , gracias! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.