May 06 2022 31 mins
This month, Ally Evans and Tracy Foster are talking about how to do something that has never been done before—raise a generation of digital natives. You don't want to miss this conversation on setting the stage for the use of technology, the effects of video games on our kids' brains, and how to connect with our kids over what they are passionate about. What if video games are not the enemy and instead, an opportunity to build empathy and develop intentionally?
1. Don’t do this alone. We are meant to be in community. Start or join a LifeGroup and work through the discussion guide today, because we need one other to raise digital natives! Check out existing LifeGroups at
2. Invite a few friends to go through the Bible Plan, Showing Empathy on YouVersion. The first step to helping our kids regulate themselves is to empathize with them right where they are.
3. Discover all the amazing resources available for your family and LifeGroup at
4. Consider using the Video Game Decision Tree to help create clarity around gaming at home!