Feb 17 2025 58 mins 31
“I was almost not here. In 2015, I was in a coma, on ECMO (life support). I was given last rites, my family told to let me go as doctors said they had done all they could. A prayer blanket was laid on me after my head was shaved and my brain scanned for activity. The prognosis? If I lived, I would probably be in a vegetative state, but that living probably would not happen as I had less than 1% chance of living.
My CO2 level was over 200 (normal is 20-30). My blood was poison to myself. September 26 th, 2015 was one of my weekends to die. Family and friends came in from all over the world to continue prayers but realistically say “good-bye”. My daughter kept telling everyone I would live, which was treated as a faithful delusion.
Now that I survived an unsurvivable situation, as a spiritual person, it inspired me to respect my body more and learn about our powerful bodies and spirit. This experience has strengthened my faith and has inspired me to pursue postgraduate studies, and complete a Doctoral degree in genetics and osteopathic medicine. I do believe we were created with the ability to heal or improve our bodies and overcome environmental issues which damage or change our DNA. I feel called to share my amazing story in order to help empower others spiritually and scientifically.
I believe that when we all respect the earth and respect our bodies we have a winning symbiotic relationship.
“God breathed life. The universe nourished. Man flourished.” - EL