196: The Bystanders, featuring the creators, and FPR Olympics Edition

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Aug 06 2021 110 mins   3

In today's special episode, we have a lovely conversation with the three women behind the scripted podcast 'The Bystanders', a murder mystery comedy from BLEAV network. Before we talk to Jaclyn Hales, Ash Lendzion, and Heather Morris however we do hit an FPR featuring some of the hits from this year's Olympic Memes on Reddit.

---Check out 'The Bystanders' anywhere you can find podcasts. You absolutely should because it's really good and stars Jane Lynch and Kristen Chenowith.

---Join us, and DYR podsquad all-stars such as crustedpineapple and yelletwin on https://www.twitch.tv/didyoureddit to hear (and see) us live. It's a romp.---

---Check the official DYR subreddit to help us find new Olympic memes, and see the latest hot goss from the community. https://www.reddit.com/r/didyoureddit/---

---Follow https://www.instagram.com/didyoureddit/ for more of whatever it is that we do. ---

---As always, email us at hi at didyoureddit dot com if you want to send us recordings for our soundboard.--

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