第2586期:The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

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Mar 01 2025 3 mins   1

At America’s 149th Westminster Kennel Club dog show, Monty the giant schnauzer won the top prize. 

在美国第149 Westminster养犬俱乐部狗展上,巨型Schnauzer Monty赢得了最高奖项。 

The lively schnauzer beat six other finalists in New York City to become the first of his breed to win Westminster’s “best in show.” The prize is the most important and respected in the U.S. dog show world. 

活泼的Schnauzer击败了纽约市的其他六名决赛入围者,成为他的第一位赢得威斯敏斯特“最佳表演”的品种。 该奖项是美国狗展界最重要和受人尊敬的。

While Monty came close to winning Westminster the past two years, he fell short of the big prize. In December 2024, the dog won another big prize, the huge American Kennel Club championship. 

在过去两年中,蒙蒂接近赢得威斯敏斯特,但他没有大奖。 2024年12月,这只狗获得了另一个大奖,即巨大的美国养犬俱乐部冠军。

But for dog show lovers, Westminster is considered the Super Bowl of all shows. This year the comparison is especially fitting. That is because the most respected U.S. dog competition opened on the same weekend as the Super Bowl -- the most important game in American professional football. This rare happening came after the dates of both competitions changed in recent years.

 但是对于狗表演爱好者来说,威斯敏斯特被认为是所有表演的超级碗。 今年的比较特别合适。 那是因为最受尊敬的美国狗比赛与超级碗的同一个周末开幕 - 这是美国职业足球中最重要的比赛。 在近年来两次比赛的日期发生变化之后,这种罕见的事情发生了。

At Westminster, dogs first compete against other members of their breed. Then, the winner of each breed goes up against other dogs within different competition “groups.” Among the groups are sporting, working, toy, and herding. Group winners then compete in the final round. 

在威斯敏斯特,狗首先与其品种的其他成员竞争。 然后,每个品种的获胜者都在不同竞争“群体”中与其他狗抗衡。 其中包括运动,工作,玩具和放牧。 然后,团体获胜者在最后一轮比赛中竞争。 

The best in show winner gets an award – a large, shiny cup called a trophy – and a place in dog-world history. The top prize, however, does not include money. 

表演中最好的获奖者获得了一个奖项 - 一个名为A Trophy的大型闪亮杯 - 在Dog-World History中的位置。 但是,最高奖项不包括钱。 

In her report on the dog show, Learning English’s Caty Weaver explains that the Westminster show dates back to 1877. It centers on the traditional purebred judging that leads to the best in show prize. But over the last few years, the organization has added agility and obedience events open to mixed-breed dogs. 

在她关于狗展的报告中,Learning English的Caty Weaver解释说,威斯敏斯特秀的历史可以追溯到1877年。它以传统的纯种判断为中心,这导致了最佳的表演奖。 但是在过去的几年中,该组织增加了敏捷性和服从事件,向混合狗开放。 

In 2024, Sage, a miniature poodle, won best in show at the 148th Westminster Kennel Club dog show. 

2024年,小型贵宾犬Sage在第148 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show中赢得了最佳表演。

And in 2023, a petit basset griffon Vendéen, named Buddy Holly, won best in show at Westminster. The breed he represents is known for its rabbit-hunting abilities. 

在2023年,一个名叫巴迪·霍莉(Buddy Holly)的小宝贝格里芬·旺德恩(GriffonVendéen)在威斯敏斯特(Westminster)赢得了最佳表现。 他所代表的品种以其兔子的能力而闻名。