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Sep 27 2024 10 mins   2


 歌曲:Que Sera Sera


01. 什么是复原力?

Resilience is the process of adapting well (很好地适应) in the face of adversity(困境), trauma(创伤), tragedy(痛苦), threats or significant sources of stress.

The key is that people adapt and change as needed to face these things.

Resilience不仅强调忍耐,更重要的是adapt and change(能够根据情况及时调整和适应),是一种随遇而安的能力。


Highly resilient people are flexible(灵活的), adapt to new circumstances quickly(能迅速适应新环境), and thrive in constant change(在不断的变化中蓬勃发展). Resilience is important because it allows us to grow and learn from hardship(困难), as well as get through it well.

It allows us to live our lives more calmly and peacefully. Like the saying goes, the only constant in the world is change (世界上唯一不变的东西是变化). Since we cannot avoid it, it’s better if we can adapt to it (接受它).

如果复原力比较低的话,当周围事物和人haven’t met your expectations(没有达到你的期望)时,you will easily be annoyed。You will have a worse reaction to change, not be able to handle hardship (应对困难), and be impacted (冲击) by things for a long time.

02. 提升“复原力”的方法

#1 Practice meditation. 练习冥想

冥想时,找一个你觉得舒服的地方,可以是你的房间,也可以是室外的某个地方,只要你能感受到平静、安全和自在就可以。When you are in a state of tranquility(宁静的状态), your whole mind will be clear and strong. 在冥想中,你会进入心流的状态。It calms your body and soul enough to see through problems and reflect. 冥想能让你看清楚、想明白很多事情,也是一个自省的机会。

It helps you to reset the brain (重启大脑) and find new perspectives (新的视角) towards challenges instead of sweating the small stuff (纠结小事).

#2 Get out in nature. 走进自然

Immersing yourself in nature helps reset your body and clear your mind, just like meditation does. 大自然里的能量是非常高的,所以有的人也会在大自然中做冥想。It provides a good perspective (它提供了一个很好的视角).

#3 Surround yourself with positive and high spirits. 多接触高能量的人或者事物

People often say that you are what you eat, you are who you spend time with, and you are what you surround yourself with. 近朱者赤近墨者黑,多接触高能量的人也能让自己变得更积极。

#4 Move your body. 运动

运动也是一种提高resilience的方法,但更重要的是要做你喜欢的运动。运动过后,your mind will be very quiet and peaceful.

#5 Take time to learn more things. 保持学习

不断地学习,汲取新知识也可以有效提高复原力。Resilience comes from expanding knowledge and skills, either by watching videos, listening to podcasts or reading books. The key is to make a daily habit of continually learning (关键是养成日常不断学习的习惯). 学习新知识不仅能让头脑更清醒,而且会让你有不同的视角去看待事情。

#6 Work from a to-do list. 列日程计划

Resilience comes from seeing positive outcomes(积极结果) from your work. At an early stage, what’s critical to driving success is doing the right work. By creating a priority list (优先级列表) and ruthlessly working from there, you’ll be able to gain momentum(动力) — and build trust in yourself and your process — to overcome obstacles (克服障碍).

#7 Work on becoming immune to rejection. 努力做到对拒绝免疫

To become immune to rejection(对拒绝免疫)就是要能够坦然接受别人的拒绝。

在你听到一声yes之前,you’re going to hear a lot of “no”s。Letting all that rejection slide off your back will help you keep moving forward when times get tough.

总之,你要practice cognitive restructuring(练习认知重构)。It can change the way you think about potentially negative situations (潜在的负面情况) by helping you better understand your feelings of fear or discomfort. The ability to reframe your failures (重新定义失败) as important lessons is what makes a truly resilient leader. 改变面对消极情况的情绪,换一个看待视角,任何事情都会有积极的一面。

Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving (生活本身不会变得更容易或更宽容), but we get stronger and more resilient (而我们可以变得更强大,更有复原力). It just requires us being proactive (积极主动的) on how we want to do this.
