Mar 11 2025 46 mins 2
Migration and social cohesion are key topics in political discourse in Germany. While migration is sometimes perceived as a challenge to social cohesion, it is also presented as a cornerstone of a diverse and democratic society.
In this episode of the Conflict Talks, social psychologists Dr. Elif Sandal Önal (moderator / IKG Bielefeld) and Dr. Aydin Bayad (guest IKG Bielefeld / FGZ) discuss the complex relationship between migration and social cohesion, including transnational influences and migrant identities.
Sandal-Önal, E., Bayad, A., Zick, A., & Düzen, N. E. (2022). Transnational influences on migrant identities and social cohesion: A study protocol. Genealogy, 6(1), 9.
Bayad, A., Sandal-Önal, E., & Düzen, N. E. (2022). How Diaspora Policies of Turkey are Reflected in the Media: A Content Analysis. TransMIGZ Working Paper Series No. 01, Transnational Conflicts, Belongings, and Social Interactions-Focus: Turkish Postmigrants.
Düzen, N. E., Sandal-Önal, E., & Bayad, A. (2022). Almanya ile Türkiye arasında Türklük ithalat-ihracatı: Sahipli ve sahipsiz milliyetçilikler. Birikim Dergisi, 398– 399, 177–185.
Additional information:
Publishing date: 11.03.2025
Recording date: 04.03.2025
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