Dec 30 2024
Our guest today is Lisa Rigge, IASD regional rep for the Bay Area and also Haden Institute graduate. We talk about collaging and also about IASD vs Haden dreamwork approaches. We start with ideas around collaging to find meaning from our dreams and in particular, the idea of using negative space. Lisa brings an intuitive and contemplative approach to collaging and also to our next topic: dream groups. We discuss some of the differences between how Jeremey Taylor and Bob Haden approach projective dream groups. The Haden approach emphasizes the idea of a safe container, personal boundaries, and privacy for the dreamer.
After the break, we take a call from Lisa from Boston who starts a conversation about archetypes, anima/animus, and shadow. Also a graduate of the Haden Institute, Lisa from Boston talks about the idea of spiritual direction which she prefers to call spiritual companioning. We end with ideas from Lisa Rigge about poetry created out of dreams and also about the idea of a death haiku.
BIO: Lisa Rigge has been involved with dream work for over 20 years. She received a Certificate in Dream Leadership from the Haden Institute and is an IASD Regional Rep for the Bay Area. She loves teaching about dreamwork and using collage and poetry to express a dream’s essence and to gain new insights.
Find art created by our guest and contact her at: LBRIGS202 @ Contact her to get on the mailing list for the Bay Area IASD regional group.
This show, episode number 291, was recorded during a live broadcast on December 28, 2024 at, community radio of Santa Cruz.
Intro and outro music by Mood Science. Ambient music new every week by Rick Kleffel. Archived music can be found at Many thanks to Rick Kleffel for also engineering the show and to Tony Russomano for the phones.
SHARE A DREAM FOR THE SHOW or a question or enquire about being a guest on the podcast by emailing Katherine Bell at [email protected]. Follow on FB and IG @ExperientialDreamwork #thedreamjournal. To learn more or to inquire about exploring your own dreams go to
The Dream Journal aims to:
Increase awareness of and appreciation for nightly dreams.
Inspire dream sharing and other kinds of dream exploration as a way of adding depth and meaningfulness to lives and relationships.
Improve society by the increased empathy, emotional balance, and sense of wonder which dream exploration invites.
The Dream Journal is produced at and airs on KSQD Santa Cruz, 90.7 FM. Catch it streaming LIVE at 10-11am Pacific Time on Saturdays. Call or text with your dreams or questions at 831-900-5773 or email at [email protected]. Podcasts are available on all major podcast platforms released the Monday following the live show. The complete KSQD Dream Journal podcast page can be found at
Closed captioning is available on the YouTube version of this podcast and an automatically generated transcript is available at Apple Podcasts.
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