Sep 30 2024 42 mins
That's rather a challening title isn't it? Well, Judy, Caroline and myself all really don't like to call ourselves "teachers" because, as you will hear if you listen, we feel the word doesn't describe what we do and is sort of obsolete in today's world. Are you wedded to the notion that "teaching" is (still) the right word to slap onto the role of someone who supposedly helps others to acquire usable skills and knowledge? If you are we three would, respectfully, invite you to listen to our rationale and give it some thought in the context of your day-to-day activities with other people's brains and the learning outcomes you are hoping to achieve with them.
If you are on LinkedIn you might even like to go and contribute to the discussion below a post Judy put up a week ago about education in Finland versus education in North America. You can read it HERE
To learn more about the contributors to this podcast visit:
Caroline Swinton -
Judy Thompson -
Jason West -