Nov 09 2024 58 mins 13
Join us in this edition of “Bible Answers Live,” as Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross talk about the current troubling times and the first signs of Jesus’ return. They’ll also explain some of Christ’s "confusing" statements about the dead burying the dead, and what He meant when He said that what we eat doesn't matter...
1.- How does Nehemiah 8 verse 10 apply today with all the trouble in the world ?
2.- What did Christ mean in Matthew 8 verse 22 when He said, “let the dead bury the dead” ?
3.- What does Numbers 11 verse 25 mean ?
4.- Did the Fifth Commandment, “Honor your mother and father,” exist before Adam and Eve ?
5.- Why did Daniel describe his dream differently in Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 ?
6.- What is the “power” mentioned in Daniel 12 verse 7 ?
7.- What are the first signs of the end before Jesus returns ?
8.- Is Job 22 verse 9 saying that Job turned away the widows and
crushed the orphans ?
9.- How can Job’s righteousness be reconciled when comparing Job 22 verse 9 to chapter 23 verse 10 ?
10.- Will there be an awakening or a renewed awareness of the seventh-day Sabbath in the end-times ?
11.- In John 6 verse 65, what does it mean that no person can come to the Father except through Christ ?
12.- When comparing Matthew 28 verse 19 and Acts 2 verse 38, in whose name do we baptize ?
13.- With all the dramatic weather and democracy collapsing, are we in the middle of Luke’s description in Luke 21 verse 12 ?
14.- What does Luke 17 verse 21 mean ?
15.- Is Mark 7 verses 18 through 20 telling us that all food is clean to eat ?
16.- Can the Lord send harmful spirits ?
1.- How does Nehemiah 8 verse 10 apply today with all the trouble in the world ?
2.- What did Christ mean in Matthew 8 verse 22 when He said, “let the dead bury the dead” ?
3.- What does Numbers 11 verse 25 mean ?
4.- Did the Fifth Commandment, “Honor your mother and father,” exist before Adam and Eve ?
5.- Why did Daniel describe his dream differently in Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 ?
6.- What is the “power” mentioned in Daniel 12 verse 7 ?
7.- What are the first signs of the end before Jesus returns ?
8.- Is Job 22 verse 9 saying that Job turned away the widows and
crushed the orphans ?
9.- How can Job’s righteousness be reconciled when comparing Job 22 verse 9 to chapter 23 verse 10 ?
10.- Will there be an awakening or a renewed awareness of the seventh-day Sabbath in the end-times ?
11.- In John 6 verse 65, what does it mean that no person can come to the Father except through Christ ?
12.- When comparing Matthew 28 verse 19 and Acts 2 verse 38, in whose name do we baptize ?
13.- With all the dramatic weather and democracy collapsing, are we in the middle of Luke’s description in Luke 21 verse 12 ?
14.- What does Luke 17 verse 21 mean ?
15.- Is Mark 7 verses 18 through 20 telling us that all food is clean to eat ?
16.- Can the Lord send harmful spirits ?