Sep 16 2024 42 mins 14
Broadcast date: September 19th, 2024, 19:00 CET
Hey engineers! While we often dive into systems engineering, the reality is that products are developed through projects—and usually not just one, but multiple variants. This brings us into the exciting world of Product Line Engineering (PLE).
Two years ago, we had an insightful chat with Marco Forlingieri about PLE. Now, in our latest podcast episode, we’re thrilled to host one of the pioneers in the field: Danilo Beuche from PTC. Tune in to explore how PLE is revolutionizing product development!
You can watch it live on the YouTube Livestream on September 19th at 19:00 CET or catch the episode later on YouTube, Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music, or Google Podcasts.
Der Beitrag Episode 49: Product Line Engineering with Danilo Beuche erschien zuerst auf The MBSE Podcast.