Lost Signal Society
White Light
Another strange midnight transmission from the mysterious radio we found in the Pine Barrens. This Signal Fragment tells the story of a young mother who finds that remarkable strength resides deep within her.
-November 5-
Signal Fragment 4 Caller - Patricia Lawrence
Rattenkönig - David Thomas Tao
Written by Christa Pagliei
Produced by Michael Dondero & Christa Pagliei
Theme Song by Ryan Beppel
The following sounds are from FREESOUND.ORG
and are used under a 0 CC or an Attribution License.
Thank you to the following freesound.org site users
Gowlermusic - radio static
All other sounds created/recorded by Lost Signal Society
Lost Signal Society was created by Christa Pagliei and Michael Dondero
-Catch the Signal-
© 2018
A horror, sci-fi audio drama.