Our heroes must avoid the many dangers of the twisting tunnels of the Underpipes, but there are things far more lethal than magic-eating beetles down here. They soon come face to face with a terrible new foe, as well as a hated old one.
Transcript https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NzofrwSCc7SgKgMcUC1AhcNgfw-Q1sLv6wgqVic2z6A/edit?usp=sharing
All music is royalty-free, and courtesy of Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/music/
Names, by the Story Games Names Project: https://www.lulu.com/en/gb/shop/jason-morningstar/story-games-name-project/paperback/product-1qz67dg.html?page=1&pageSize=4
UNE: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/134163/UNE-The-Universal-NPC-Emulator-rev
Mythic Deck: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/257195/Mythic-Game-Master-Emulator-Deck
Tempting Fate: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TemptingFate
SCENE 30 (part 2)
Stealth: Mina (DIS) 10, Cadmus 17, Barbican 13
Perception Swarm (DIS): 4
SCENE 31: Investigating the pipes
Chaos Factor 5
Altered Scene: Interrupt: Move away from a thread (Investigate the Whisperer’s death) Arrive Illusions (discuss Unseen: could be anyone, why a public death?)
DUNGEON: Theme: Incredible Power, Unique (Faction Base), Discovery (Book/ scroll/ map): map of the Underpipes
DESCRIPTION Innocently Poor
FATE: Piperunners? (Likely) Yes, random event
NPC Positive (Piperunners) Heal Suffering (Cadmus is back!)
FATE Captured? (50/50) Exceptional yes (many enemies, disarmed)
SCENE 32 Interrogation
Chaos Factor 6
Altered Scene: no
FATE: Piperunners hostile? (Likely) No, random event: Ambiguous Event: Extravagance Pain (flayed Hydroclanner)
UNE: Lively crone (comparable power). Motivation: communicate disbelief, conceive propaganda, complete dissonance. Name: Ouma Jukti
EVENT: why enmity with the surface? Bestow Assist
FATE vs rival factions? (50/50) no (vs the surface)
SCENE 33 Standoff
Chaos Factor 7
Altered Scene: Interrupt: NPC Action (Machine Cultists) Antagonise Pleasures (they arrive mid discussion)
EVENT: Why do they need healing? Betray Tension (conflict with other factions)
Mina Investigation: Barrels, Machine Cultists: +6 vs DC 10: 15
FATE: Does she provide Infernal Powder source? (Very Unlikely) No
FATE: Do the machine cultists recognise Mina? (50/50) Yes
FATE: Do they want her dead? (50/50) Yes
FATE: Does Jukti want her alive? (50/50) Yes
FATE: Does this cause conflict between the Piperunners and the Cultists? (50/50) Yes
FATE: Is their alliance an uneasy one? (50/50) Exceptional Yes
FATE: Do the cultists back down? (Likely) Exceptional Yes