Mar 05 2025 22 mins
Imagine a group of people is having lunch on the deck of a ship, and that ship is sailing into a storm. Along comes a waiter with a tray of drinks, and that waiter is riding… a monocycle. Even as the seas start to rise and the wind blows, the tray can’t be allowed to fall.
That waiter… is procurement.
In this episode of The Sourcing Hero podcast, Host Kelly Barner welcomes Richard Beaumont. Richard is the Founder of Eruditic, a professional training and coaching organization, and the co-host of "The Procurement & Finance Coffee Break" on YouTube.
In this interview, Richard shares why he’d rather be on the monocycle than at the table any day, but especially in a storm:
- The influence procurement holds even without being the ones to decide which suppliers are selected for contract
- How quantitative decision making can help procurement support initiatives like ESG that might otherwise fall victim to ‘altruist’ short term rationales
- Why it takes so much courage to work - and be successful - in procurement