Episode 4: What are the Instinctual Drives and How Does it Relate to Enneatype?

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Aug 14 2022 67 mins   6

Kara and John dive into describing the instinctual drives, subtypes, and the controversies that exist in the field

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John's book is available at https://www.amazon.com/Instinctual-Drives-Enneagram-John-Luckovich/dp/0578784971/ref=sr_1_1?crid=24V4IPCZEML19&keywords=the+instinctual+drives+and+the+enneagram&qid=1660515580&s=books&sprefix=The+Instinctual+driv%2Cstripbooks%2C92&sr=1-1

8 – What’s the relationship between the instinctual drives and the personality structure? Subtype as “Disease” and our growth path as a “treatment plan”

11 – Being dominant in an instinct doesn’t mean you’re good at it and what is Kara’s experience of being self preservation dominant

13 – How can our experiences with substances help us to understand our instinctual fears?

16 – If fear itself is not just Six what is Six? What does that mean about the Head Center?

18 – How might the self preservation dominant person experience the body?

22:30 – What’s the difference between an instinctual need and a strategy that’s manufactured by the personality

24:45 – What is the definition of essence? What is an Essence Quality?

32:45 – How does John look at the instincts verses how other teachers might look at the instincts?

37 – How do we differentiate competition coming from an ego structure versus the sexual instinct

40 – What is the special relationship between the instincts and the Enneagram?

42 – How can family be a strategy to meet self preservation needs in addition to social needs?

46 – What are the needs of each instinctual drive?

48 – What’s the difference between self esteem and self regulation in regards to the self preservation instinct

50 – What’s the difference between transcendence and individuation? Is this found in the self preservation instinct?

52:55 – What are resources and foundations and why is this important to the self preservation instinct?

55 – What are the needs of the sexual instinct?

61 – What are the needs of the social instinct?