Dec 31 2024 8 mins 12
Have you ever wondered who else is adopting mob programming? Or perhaps you’re curious about the diversity of organizations that practice ensemble programming? In this Mob Mentality Show episode, we take a deep dive into the Companies That Mob/Ensemble Program Board, a powerful tool for tracking and sharing insights about organizations, coaches, and educators engaging in mobbing practices worldwide.
Join us as we explore the story behind this invaluable resource and its broader implications for the mob programming community.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
- Why Track Mobbing? Discover why Chris Lucian started documenting companies and organizations that practice mob programming, beginning with a simple blog post.
- From Blog to Trello: Learn how this tracking effort evolved from a personal blog to a comprehensive Trello Board, making it easier to manage and share.
- Uses of the Board: Explore the board’s practical applications, including showcasing the diversity of mobbing practices across countries, industries, and contexts like IoT (Internet of Things), eCommerce, hardware, firmware, software, government, and private sectors.
- Related Resources: Uncover the connections between this board and other similar initiatives, such as the Software Professional Resources Board and the "We Do TDD (Test-Driven Development)" website.
- Anecdotal ROI: Hear how this board can serve as anecdotal evidence of the return on investment (ROI) for mob programming from a "just sharing" perspective ( ), helping promote its adoption in the software development community.
- New Categories: Find out about Austin’s updates, which include categories for coaches and professors who practice mobbing.
- Call to Action: Get inspired to contribute by adding new companies, organizations, or individuals to the board to help grow the global mobbing network.
Why This Matters:
The Companies That Mob/Ensemble Program Board isn’t just a list—it’s a living resource that reflects the growing diversity and diffusion of mobbing practices worldwide. It’s a tool for saving time, building community, and promoting the Just Sharing mindset. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a newcomer to mobbing, this board helps you connect with others and find inspiration for your own mob programming journey.
Get Involved:
Want to see the board in action? Check it out here: Companies That Mob/Ensemble Program Board.
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Tune in and discover who else is mobbing—and why it’s transforming the way we work and learn!
Video and Show Notes: