With Rob Fai - 10 Things - Episode 001

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May 18 2022 38 mins   2

On today's SportsBar Radio, Rob Fai breaks from his conventional style to get away from Sports and take 10 questions about 'life'... Each answer is three minutes, well thought out and potentially polarizing but he'll make you think!

1) Tipping in Restaurants - Is the ask too high?

2) Should B.C. be spending $800M on a museum?

3) What exam in life would you want to redo?

4) How do you know if your employer is not that into you?

5) The changing of Sports Broadcasting

6) Waiter comes to table with wine, pours a sample, do you act the role if you don't know wine?

7) Something you wish you weren't allergic too

8) Do you fix your selfies with apps?

9) Have you ever had a burner account?

10) You DO know that Twitter represents 1% of the actual sports community locally?

Presented by Equity.Guru