Jul 30 2024 147 mins 55
Good afternoon Wolfnet! Its prep time for Gencon and we brought Catalyst Game Labs Executive Editor John Helfers and Battletech author Craig A. Reed Jr. in to discuss the new book In the Shadow of the Dragon, as well as all the fun stuff coming up in the Battletech Universe.
The gang also goes over prepping for Gencon and other great things happening with Wolfnet.
Cast Members
Host: Matthew "Bloodbath" Behrens
Co Host: Andrew "Minnow" Krull
Co Host: Charles "Loremaster" Gideon
Co Host: Tommy "Silent C Raven" Kruger
Special Guests: John Helfers
Craig A. Reed Jr.
Faction Breakdown: Lyran Commonwealth
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Alpha Strike 350 Rules and Tools can be found at wolfsdragoons.com
This Episode is proudly sponsored by Aries Games and Miniatures. You can find everything you need for your Battletech addiction at https://ariesgamesandminis.com/