Oct 11 2023 26 mins
Think you or somebody you know has an amazing talent? The "IT" factor? Well here's your chance to shine. INTERNATIONAL TALENT SHOWCASE is here in ALBANY ON TUES OCTOBER 17TH AT THE DESMOND HOTEL IN ALBANY! Founder SHARON MCCARTHY is my guest, and will give you all the information in case you are wondering what they are looking for. You can be 4 years old, and you can be 80ish They take anyone in between!
Take a listen! I also am debuting a new song that rhymes all the annoying pill commercials you see on TV. It's at the end of the episode.
My website btw is www.hirerichie.com for all your musical needs for your next event
(Need a song written for that special someone? I can do that! Samples on my site ...