This Week's Panel - ElroyOMJ, Exe the Hero
Show Discussion - In this w33k's 3pisod3, 3x3 and 3lroy discuss what is 3ith3r a pr3post3rous or incr3dibl3 id3a r3garding th3 r3surr3ction of a fan favorit3 3v3nt! They also talk about gam3s, of cours3, with 3x3 bringing up a relativ3ly mod3rn JRPG and 3lroy bringing up a th3-3xact-opposit3-of-mod3rn b3at ‘3m up. And if you'r3 looking for baby gam3s, th3y'v3 got to cov3r3d with a 10 s3cond quicki3 and a spooky book!
Games Mentioned:
- Elroy - Night Slashers: Remake & 10 Seconds to Win
- Exe - Asdivine Hearts & Night Book
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Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube