Apr 11 2024 24 mins 9
While not everyone is classic controlled opposition, there is a new breed of Alternative Media coalescing and promoting each other. Most of the voices who told us to cower in fear and completely led their viewers astray during the PLANdemic now wants to act like none of that had ever happened as they are the new opposition to the fake corporate media.
This new breed of alternative media host mainly falls into the category of controlled opportunists. These are people who might not directly be taking money from the bad guys, but know where their bread is buttered and will only push things so far.
When it mattered most.... most of the new popular "alternative" media hosts took the side of Fauci over freedom and even the ones who knew Fauci was bad, still fought the mainstream narrative on their own terms and dared not challenge if the virus every existed or virus theory in general.
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