Jan 05 2024 101 mins 2
In this conversation I talk to Christopher Hareesh Wallis about his book ‘Near Enemies of the Truth: Avoid the Pitfalls of the Spiritual Life and Become Radically Free’
Have you ever been told, “You create your own reality”? Have you been encouraged to “be your best self” or “follow your bliss”? Nowadays these slogans are everywhere, but what if they’re doing more harm than good? After over thirty years as a scholar-practitioner of meditation and Tantric philosophy, acclaimed author Hareesh explores the most widespread distortions of spiritual teachings present in our world today. Rooted in the Asian wisdom traditions, his book uncovers why these oft-heard platitudes are “near enemies” to the truth, often detour us off the spiritual path, and can even cause unnecessary suffering.
For more information on Hareesh’s work please visit: https://hareesh.org/
For more information about my work please visit www.bodyheartmindspirit.co.uk
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