Jan 17 2025 134 mins 3
We're taking a short break for some personal stuff, but for now, enjoy this unlocked episode from our Patreon feed. If you like what you hear, consider subscribing for just $5/month, and receive 2 monthly bonus episodes
It's our final Lion's Gate production this episode (Remember My Name is this week so that's the other one we're doing lol). This time it's THE LATE SHOW written/directed by ROBERT BENTON - we've got Lily Tomlin and Art Carney as a couple of LA wackos trying to solve a caper. It's a ton of fun; we're really in the chit-chat joke zone on this episode so come join us for some fun talk on Altman's sound technology, edible underwear, Ryan's oven, and perhaps a special sneak peek on something cool that we're gonna be doing soon. It's all here on ALTMANIA PREMIUM.
Articles Mentioned:
A True Pioneer in Recording Overlapping Dialogue - Cinemontage
Interview With Robert Altman - Roger Ebert
The Late Show - AFI catalog, 1893 - 1993
Robert Altman: Jumping Off the Cliff, a biography of the great American director by Patrick McGilligan
Robert Benton: Character Determines Action - GreenCine