Oct 12 2023 73 mins
This panel discussion co-hosted by Yindyamarra Nguluway at Charles Sturt University and the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, focused on the key issues informing this week’s referendum. What would make cynics say ‘Yes’? Will the Voice strengthen Australian democracy? What would the implications of a failed referendum be for First Nations peoples, and wider prospects of democratic reform? To help us with these complex questions Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research Mark Evans facilitated a long conversation with Michelle Grattan (Chief Political Correspondent at The Conversation), Professor Sue Green (Wiradyuri woman and Professoral Fellow at the Yindyamarra Nguluway Initiative), James Blackwell (Research Fellow in Indigenous Diplomacy, at the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific and a proud Wiradjuri man), Professor Kim Rubenstein (Australian legal scholar, legal practitioner, and Professor in the Faculty of Business Government and Law at the University of Canberra), and Paul House (senior Ngambri-Ngunnawal custodian of the Canberra region with Wiradjuri, Walgalu and Ngunnawal ancestry and Senior Community Engagement Officer, Office of the Vice-President, First Nations Portfolio, ANU).