Jun 30 2021 22 mins 3
Depression is painful. I know first hand. If you do too, I just want you to know that I see you sweet girl. Play this one when you are ready to put a battle plan together to fight the mean little giant in your head (that's what I call my depression).
In today's episode, I open up a little bit about my most recent depressive episode. I don't share this story for any sympathy. It's actually very counterintuitive for me to be this vulnerable, but I have learned so far during my time in this personal development space, it is when one can be vulnerable where the most magic happens.
Article that quotes the Harvard Research Review about the natural supplements I talk about in this episode.
A more in depth podcast episode on HABIT STACKING & creating positive habits.
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OOooh also, did you know that there are other fun ways to connect with me other than the pod?
#1 Work through YOUR STRUGGLES 1 on 1 with me with a coaching call
#2 FUELHER SISTERHOOD ON FACEBOOK - My TOTALLY free community - where you can connect with listeners from all over, I go live & do Q+A's, there are giveaways and free workshops to learn, grow and find community in!
#3- My favorite social platform is Instagram! @ashleyanallen
Are you a mama struggling to figure out WHAT her THING really is?
Are you a network marketer struggling to find time to juggle social media, your other job, and your family?
Bc I got some news for you girl - I’ve been there, and I am also here to tell you that you do not have to work your business 24/7 or show up on social media every hour of your life to get the results or make the money to create the life that you want.
Let’s hop on either a -
30 min session
60 min session
-Productivity & schedule
-Social Media 101
-Network Marketing Strategy & help
-Boundaries & balancing motherhood, career, self love, and relationships
-Clarity for your thing
or email me @ [email protected] with "COACHING CALL" in the subject to get a time that works best for you
Do you have a topic or guest suggestion?? Shoot us an email: [email protected]
And last but not least ~ for ALL the heat!!
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-Interview guests SCRIPTURES to have for your tough days