Aug 15 2024 30 mins 1
The late Sir Ken Robinson once quipped that many of us feel like, "Math is a party to which we have not been invited."
Today's guest, Peter Coe, wants to make sure those invitations get delivered. As the Founder and Lead K-12 Mathematics Consultant at Coe Learning, LLC, Peter works to make sure students not only get invited to the party, but that once they arrive it's party worth staying for.
Peter works with schools, districts, and organizations on the equitable mindsets, technical skills, resources, and infrastructure required to provide rich, engaging mathematical learning experiences for K-12 students.
A mathematician by training, he has taught in both district and charter schools, and served as a mentor teacher, department chair, and instructional coach.
He is a recipient of the Math for America's Master Teacher and School Leader fellowships.
Peter helped lead the development of the EngageNY mathematics curriculum, as well as realignment of the state assessment program in mathematics. He also helped found and served as Chief Academic Officer of UnboundEd, leading the development of the Standards Institute mathematics pathway and advising numerous organizations and school districts on K-12 mathematics strategy.
Peter has been a speaker at the NCTM and NCSM National Conferences, SXSWEdu, Learning Forward, and other national conventions.
Today he shares advice to districts in how to shift both their practices and resources to raise engagement and achievement in math classrooms.
Episode sponsor, Mathseeds is an award winning early math program designed to help build students' confidence and enthusiasm for math in the early years.
The engaging program combines highly structured lessons with fun motivational elements, ensuring key concepts are learned in depth.
Mathseeds is trusted by teachers for its curriculum alignment to state standards and proven effectiveness, earning ESSA Level II evidence certification.
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