Dec 17 2024 71 mins 5
After a life of physical and spiritual adventure, an innovative homesteading teacher and pastor turns green with gratitude.
1:00 California to Idaho (before everybody was doing it)
12:00 The plane, the plane!
19:00 Picture pages, picture pages
26:00 Raising the dead with his students (and Robert Redford)
37:00 Finding Jesus in the mountains
45:15 Turning green in the pulpit
57:00 Timber Butte homecoming
61:00 Looking for the real thing
66:00 Thanks and love
Tri's homestead website and buy the book
Full Cowboy & Preacher film
“Check your local listings.” (It’s 10 a.m. 12/28/24 in Idaho on PBS World)
On PBS with Bill Moyers two decades ago
“Liver-Eating” Johnson’s grave
Wendell Kimbrough helps us find our way home