Jun 20 2023 44 mins 5
That's right this week the podcast turns ONE! I can't believe I did it. I can't believe I did the work, struggled through my technology challenges, I showed up week after week and did what I said I would do. THIS is how we win the war on weight, we just keep showing up even when things get super hard!
Thank you for listening, supporting my show and showing up for every episode!
This episode is an interview I recently recorded with my friend CJC Boyd. CJ has recently launched her own TV SHOW! What the WHAT ?!? Go girl GO.... You are a QUEEN BY DESIGN!
Today we talk about my weight loss journey, when to take a pause, when things do go as planned, how to recognize your own needs, how to take care of yourself first and most importantly..... Life is a journey,we never arrive we just keep showing up. I hope you find a nugget of gold that helps you in your own war on weight in this special episode!
You can find CJ's show AWAKEN THE WARRIOR on Roku, Apple TV and Amazon firestick TV, first download the FENIX TV app here, then find her show on the app. Search for Awaken The Warrrior. You'll also find many other great shows that will inspire you and empower you to becoming the best version of yourself.
🎈Help me celebrate our 1st birthday and SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend or on social 🎈
Want to find out if I'm the coach for you.....find me on FACEBOOK, follow the podcast on INSTAGRAM or check out www.coachkeatha.com
I can't wait to connect with you!