Nov 05 2024 164 mins 4
This is a presentation to the Sonoma Marin MUFON hosted by Lorien Fenton. We looked at some of the standard features in paranormal phenomena, such as orbs, ball lightning, and various mobile luminous objects; I briefly described how I got interested in such topics, especially my study of fractal geometry in graduate school. I showed some examples from remote viewing sessions I've been involved with and how this led to my crop circles research. These patterns create strange electromagnetic disturbances in cameras, batteries, and electronic equipment. We then looked at research in condensed plasmas and LENR, starting with the work of Winston Bostick in the 1950s for DOE and then to the more modern work of Dr. Takaaki Matsumoto and Ken Shoulders. We also looked at the work of I.M. Shakparanov, Dr. Hal Puthoff, and V.L. Bychkov. This latter research suggests that ball lightning, charge clusters, and EVOs (exotic vacuum objects) are the basis of a fifth state of matter known as coherent matter. Most people are familiar with lasers, a type of coherent light. Coherent matter can take many forms, such as coherent sounds or microwaves. The classic analogy for coherent matter is murmurations of birds or schools of fish with coherent motion patterns.
We also looked at the research of David Fryberger with his Vorton model as an explanation for ball lightning and Earth Lights at Hessdalen, Norway and other locations. Fyberger's model fits with the work of Russian researchers Zhvirblis and Nevesky with "electromagnetic phantoms" and closed EM Poynting vectors.
Some of the questions we looked at include: What are the specific characteristics that distinguish coherent matter from other states of matter? How do the findings about ball lightning and exotic vacuum objects impact our understanding of energy and technology? What implications do the research and phenomena discussed have for future studies in paranormal activity or unexplained phenomena?
At the end of the presentation, we had time for Q&A.