Oct 01 2020 111 mins 44
Halloween in the age of quarantine is the topic of this grounded episode of “Boys and Ghouls”.
Listen in, as Kat and Marshall discuss tricks to socially-distant treat distribution as well as at-home alternatives to going door to door. For help, they consult the century-old source to Halloween festivities, The Bogie Book. Written in the days following the Spanish Flu and the Great War, it’s full of gay decorating ideas and fortune telling games to amuse anyone preoccupied with matrimony.
Learn what the Boys and Ghouls duo does when they want to make their home feel, and smell, like a spooky sanctuary for all of October. Plus, as the weather turns crisp, they urge you to take a walk where everyone stays six feet away… under ground! A cemetery trip to visit a local notable in your area is a good substitute for the canceled Octoberfest you won’t be attending.
And, in a month with FIVE Saturday mornings, October 2020 will be an opportune month to enjoy some Saturday morning cartoons. Tune in, as we suggest some frightening favorites from yesteryear. Then, we offer free advice on spicing up a Halloween movie night. From popcorn preparation and presentation, to a look at what streaming gems can liven up a double-feature on Halloween or any of October’s 31 nights.
Stay safe and have a Happy Halloween.