"Creativity is being who you are no matter who that is" - Danna Yahav.
Danna's insatiable curiosity has taken her down every spiritual, healing, and self growth rabbit hole for the last 15 years. Her specialization is Human Design, shadow work, radical self acceptance and liberation from a highly syndicated world. The work she has done to marry Human Design & psychology has brought over 5,000 people to download her Human Design Shadow Chart. Her workbooks on Amazon have sold thousands of copies in multiple countries. Danna continues to shift others' perspectives, inspire them to find meaning in their lives, safety in their choices, and the courage to be who they are through her programs, on Instagram (@this.is.danna), and on her podcast (A Tonic for Lunacy).
Human Design Shadow & free shadow chart:https://www.humandesignshadow.com/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/this.is.danna
Podcast Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3SZhxVBEWZisBmgWsfNSfJ?si=1d6cbc3b9c5f4481