We are over the moon to welcome Capricorn CHRIS VARGAS back to the show to discuss his new book, Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects.
But first! We do some live reporting from a Golden Girls show in Hollywood, where Chris & I were treated to room-temperature coke, hateful theater patrons and top notch impersonations.
Bonus: Chris discusses a Florida snorkel boat trip
Chris Vargas is also a Guggenheim-award winning artist, filmmaker, professor, and the founder of MOTHA, the Museum of Transgender Hirstory and Art.
Chris and his collaborators have just released a giant, beautiful book, Trans Hirstory in 99 objects. A compelling exploration of trans art, activism, and resistance.
In this episode we discuss Angela Douglas, Assunta Femia, Pippa Garner, Catholics regendering indigenous people of California, the Tootsie film genre, A Hormonal Fog AND MORE.
Get Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects by Chris Vargas, Christina Linden & David Evan Frantz now! Wherever you get your books.