Dec 24 2024 71 mins 1
Barking up Trees: In this mini-arc: A pack of hyenas lope across the Blasted Lands, an ever-present hunger driving them forward until they find a dark figure that offers them a way to satisfy their hunger and grow their pack. Upon acceptance, the first of the Gnolls are born and loosed upon the Feywild. Will GMs this dark (but also silly) arc for 5 Gnoll characters played by a mixture of regulars and special guests!
This Episode:
In this finale of the Barking Up Trees arc, the pack find out who the top dog really is.
- Barbie- Aimee
- Greyx – Mike
- Vazwoeguise – Josh Smith
- Ogamoth – Josh’s stepson, Donavin
- Gorignak - Jon Norcutt
This Episode:
In this finale of the Barking Up Trees arc, the pack find out who the top dog really is.