Dr. Dana Charles Hall shares how every single student can become a strong reader, and how schools and districts can turn around their reading performance!

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Apr 04 2024 39 mins   1

Dr. Charles Dana Hall, co-founder of Sterling Literacy Consulting, works with schools and districts across the country, many of which have been identified for improvement, to bring them to recognized levels of high performance in reading. In this episode he shares his passion and the research-backed strategies that serve every student - offering many examples of what is possible when using the science of reading systematically.


Reading Eggs is the multi award winning online reading program for grades PreK-5. Fully aligned with the Science of Reading and utilizing the five essential keys to reading success, the program unlocks all aspects of learning to read for students.

Reading Eggs is trusted by teachers for its curriculum alignment to state standards and proven effectiveness, earning ESSA Level III evidence certification. Learn more at EdCuration.com

Sterling Literacy Consulting works to provide . . .

  • all students with equitable learning experiences and access to rigorous instruction that develops foundational and life-long literacy skills so they can be successful in their education, life, and career experiences.

  • educators with professional learning experiences that are accessible, valuable, and immediately applicable to their instructional repertoire.

How the Brain Learns to Read - Professor Stanislas Dehaene

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Micro Professional Learning ExPLorations - fun and free, 1-hour digital Professional Learning for teachers from all content areas and grades levels

EdCuration's Blog: Learning in Action