Jun 27 2024 66 mins 4
NogginsAndNeurons: The Website
EPISODE TITLE: All About Homonymous Hemianopsia
EPISODE SUMMARY: In this episode of NOGGINS & NEURONS: Brain Injury Recovery Simplified, Deb talks with Bridget Smith & Nabila Bhuiyan from D’Youville University about homonymous hemianopsia. We covered:
- What homonymous hemianopsia is & how it occurs
- Signs & symptoms experienced by a person who has homonymous hemianopsia
- Impact on daily life
- Treatment interventions for homonymous hemianopsia
We hope you enjoyed this episode of Noggins And Neurons. As always, we want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected]
Show References:
Chung, A., & Slowman, L.S. (2020). Visual dysfunction: Occupational therapy. Cinahl Information Systems
Giorgi, R.G., Woods, R.L., & Peli, E. (2009). Clinical and laboratory evaluation of peripheral prism glasses for hemianopia. Optometry and Vision Science, 86(5): 492-502. doi:10.1097/OPX.0b013e31819f9e4d
Goodwin, D. (2014). Homonymous hemianopia: Challenges and solutions. Clinical Opthalmology, 1919-1927. DOI: 10.2147/OPTH.S59452
Mascaro, P.F., Junyent, Q., & Casanova, A. (2017). Effective visual rehabilitation in homonymous hemianopia by attaching binocular prisms to lenses. American Research Journal of Opthalmology and Optometry; 1(1): 1-11.
Perea, J.D. & Anise, M.C. (2019). Beyond cueing to the left and a red line: Treatment methods for homonymous hemianopia. SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 4(2), 28–30.
Perez, C. & Chokron, S. (2014). Rehabilitation of homonymous hemianopia: Insight into blindsight. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience; 8(82); 1-12.
Platz, T. (Ed) (2021). Clinical pathways in stroke rehabilitation: Evidence-based clinical practice recommendations. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-58505-1.
Rowe, F. (2016). Visual effects and rehabilitation after stroke. Community Eye Health Journal; 19(96): 75-76.
Zihl, J., Kentridge, R.W., Pargent, F., & Heywood, C.A. (2021). Aging and the rehabilitation of homonymous hemianopia: The efficacy of compensatory eye-movement training techniques and a five year follow up. Aging Brain 1: 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nbas.2021.100012.
- Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association: http://noravisionrehab.com/
- Beyond the Basics: Motor Recovery Bootcamp (Modified Constraint Induced Movement Therapy Guide)
- The OT's Guide to Mirror Therapy
- Occupational Therapy Intervention: Scavenger Hunt Visual Scanning for Adults
- Occupational Therapy Intervention 2 Pack: Scavenger Hunt & Visual Trails for Adults
- Noggins And Neurons Podcast Creative Learning & Discussion Guide (Free for podcast members)
PETE’S blog and book, “Stronger After Stroke: Your Roadmap to Recovery” 3rd edition:
- Blog: blogspot.com
- Book: Stronger After Stroke, 3rd edition
REQUEST TO BE A GUEST ON NOGGINS & NEURONS. If you’re passionate about stroke recovery and have information or a story you believe will help others, we’d love help you share it on the show. Complete the guest request form below and let’s see if we’re a good fit!
- Guest Request Form
- MUSIC: “Soft Inspiration” by Scott Holmes/Scott Holmes Music/scottholmesmusic.com
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