Jun 30 2022 21 mins 2
Kevin Gabbert, LISW, Opioid Initiatives Director at the Iowa Department of Public Health and Anne Ryan, Host, discuss the opioid epidemic. Anne and Kevin walk through a brief history of the epidemic, the current state of the epidemic in Iowa, and discuss how nurses are serving in the efforts to combat the crisis.
- Iowa Board of Nursing Website: https://www.nursing.iowa.gov
- Iowa Legislative Code citations: 655- Chapters 7.6 and 7.7: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/law/administrativeRules/chapters?agency=655
- Federal Register: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/04/28/2021-08961/practice-guidelines-for-the-administration-of-buprenorphine-for-treating-opioid-use-disorder
- Iowa Department of Public Health:
- Your Life Iowa: https://yourlifeiowa.org/
- Opioid Update Newsletter: https://idph.iowa.gov/substance-abuse/opioid-update
- U.S. Department of Justice- Civil Rights Division: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-issues-guidance-protections-people-opioid-use-disorder-under-americans
- The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Opioid Crisis: Combating Discrimination Against People in Treatment or Recovery: https://www.ada.gov/opioid_guidance.pdf