Jan 02 2025 35 mins 10
"If my God preserves you, and preserve you he must, or else you are not his; if he will keep you, and keep you he will if you have committed your souls to his faithful guardianship, that an honor awaits you!" These words by Charles Spurgeon perfectly summarize the objective promise for every believer in Christ.
God has promised that every Christian will finish this life clinging to Christ. He has done all the work necessary to fulfill this promise and will see it to completion. Yet this doesn't mean we are without responsibility. We must press on, fight, and run forward. We must run the race set before us. We can do so confidently, knowing He will make our efforts effective.
This week Dr. John Snyder and Teddy James continue our discussion from last week about how our union with Jesus Christ should quicken our spiritual pace in 2025 and beyond. We pray this becomes a watershed year for you—one where you can look back and see that you made greater use of God's means of grace than in 2024, continuing this pattern in the years ahead.
Show Notes:
John 10:28
John 6:35-40
Matthew 10:22
Matthew 14:10-14
Romans 11:22
Colossians 1:21-23
Revelation 2:7
Revelation 2:11
Revelation 2:17
Revelation 2:26
Revelation 3:5
Revelation 3:12
Revelation 3:21
1 John 5:4
Philippians 1:6 and 2:12-13
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