Feb 14 2025 80 mins 2
Great to make a show again! And … to welcome so many different artists! After twenty years of Spacemusic, nothing seems to have changed in this respect; the flow of musical energy does a person good and will also inspire many in this new decade. A small look back at the past, mixed with music from today.
For example, you hear a 30-year-old release, re-released, that really came to life after throwing a party in 1994, in a room full of stoned people who were tripping on ‘Atmospherics’, the unforgettable album by James Bernard. I’m not exaggerating if it triggered my ‘ambient’ existence at the time.
Show 17.02 features: James Bernard, James Bright, Lasse Tapio Junnila, Memory Scale, Afterlife, Jacek Doroszenko, KapTep, Brannan Lane, Orghanon, Metric System 1981, Kalte, Brian Mulder.
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0:00:00 - Welcome to Spacemusic 17.02
0:05:39 - Euph - JAMES BERNARD
0:14:30 - Pieces - JAMES BRIGHT
0:17:10 - Hands - LASSE TAPIO JUNNILA
0:22:45 - Syntropy - MEMORY SCALE
0:26:00 - Afternoon’s Echoes - MEMORY SCALE
0:30:21 - Quiet Music - AFTERLIFE
0:34:22 - Drive West on Sunset - AFTERLIFE
0:38:28 - Iris - JAMES BRIGHT
0:42:23 - Get the Perfect Mental Surface - JACEK DOROSZENKO ft EWA
0:47:38 - Music for Migraines (Part 2) - KAPTEP & BRENNAN LANE
0:50:08 - The Molecule of Everyday Life - JACEK DOROSZENKO ft EWA
0:54:25 - Nous - ORGHANON
1:00:36 - Bright, Dark - METRIC SYSTEM 1981
1:01:36 - Stochastic Resonance - KALTE
1:06:20 - Doomstroll / Break-through - BRIAN MULDER
1:09:36 - Phosphorous - JAMES BERNARD
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