Oct 15 2024 41 mins
This week we're talking with The Rev. Dr. Tripp Fuller about his book (along with Rev. Dr. Tom Oord) called God After Deconstruction. On this episode we'll talk about personal religion and our spice rack of beliefs and about how to survive this political envirnment well. And, we're including your own personal invitation to Theology Beer Camp in Denver, CO (Woot!) October 17-19, 2024. Get your discount by using the code RETURNOFBREWTHEOLOGY If you're at camp, please come find us! And join us in the Art Room.
Rev. Dr. Tripp Fuller has a PhD in Philosophy, Religion, and Theology and is a founder and voice of Homebrewed Christianity. In the classroom, pub, or congregation, Tripp loves teaching. He loves the energy of conversations where new ideas are encountered and better questions are posed. For those too busy to tackle giant texts, we all know this, Tripp reads the big books so the rest of us don't have to.
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