Nov 12 2024 27 mins
Today, we’re diving into an experience that nearly 8 out of 10 people grapple with: impostor syndrome. Think about this—despite your achievements, despite the recognition, there's that persistent, uncomfortable feeling of 'What if I’m not as good as they think?'
Instead of living with this feeling, what if we could learn to think like someone who doesn’t feel like an impostor at all? What if it was just a 'moment,' rather than a mindset?
Our guest today, Dr. Valerie Young, is a pioneer in this field, known for her groundbreaking work on understanding and overcoming impostor syndrome. Her book, “The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women And Men: Why Capable People Suffer from Impostor Syndrome and How to Thrive In Spite of It” has been published in seven languages including Korean and Turkish and she’s shared her insights with everyone from NASA to Harvard to Google. And today, she’s here to help us explore what it really takes to stop thinking like an impostor and start leading with authentic confidence.
So, what does it mean to reframe your thoughts and have an 'imposter moment' instead of an 'imposter life'?