Hi! I'm Dr. Shelly Mahon, your host, and today's Well Source is Jenn Wert. Jen has been an educator in Colorado for decades. She is a devoted parent, speaker, mentor of young teachers, writer and seeker. She has a Master’s in Education, teacher’s lens, doula’s experience, and extensive post-graduate social and emotional intelligence training. Jenn has run both for-profit and non-profit businesses built around empowering families and self-expression.
Jenn knows how to counsel parents who want to do their best by their children. She believes in not being committed not to perfection, but to a presence of mind. She has done her own deep personal work, which has allowed her to discern what really matters - authenticity, humility, and connection. As a coach, she weaves these attributes of consciousness together for families to help create parenting that’s honest, nurturing and transformative.
In this podcast, we talk about:
- Being attuned to highly emotional children.
- The importance of connection, communication, and advocacy in parenting.
- Healing your own childhood
- Practicing self-awareness
- Being mindful of acceptance, curiosity, separation, and healthy boundaries.
- the connection between shame and vulnerability.
- Bringing social emotional learning to your parenting.
Website: www.jennwert.com
For a free consult with Jenn: www.jennwert.com/free-consult
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennwertparentcoach/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/consciousparentingsupportforparentsofyoungchildren
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-wert-a91175b5/