Twelve months after disappearing into the LMAHMpod Archives, the eminently self-pleasing Let’s Make A Horror Movie Podcast have resurfaced, in-tact and hungry to hawk more ‘F@ck Off Eggs’ products, alongside another new Horror Movie idea…
Now by-request, Episode 34 honours long-standing fan, Queen Liz, with her own posthumous request-episode. Lend us your ears, send us your money, and settle down with a large, straight gin and your preferred valet – should you require subsequent refreshments – and anoint your brain with the sounds of horror and nonsense.
Act 1 – 05:50 – Feedback / Catch-up
Act 2 – 10:49 – Cultural Highlights / In-House Products
Act 3 – 23:43 – Horror Pitch: Ocras
Act 4 – 65:44 – Name-search / Cheerio!
Join us in lurking around on Twitter @LMAHMPOD, send anything of curiosity to [email protected] and if you fancy seeing the episode art, check out Instagram. And if all that makes you want to eat a shoe, you’re not alone!